Tour Terms And Conditions
A Deposit of between $500 and $1,000 (One Thousand US Dollars), depending on which tour you choose, must be received by AdelsmanTours LLC to hold and confirm tour space. This Deposit is non-refundable. If you have concerns about possibly needing to cancel your trip we strongly suggest you purchase Trip Insurance.
Final Payment is due sixty days prior to commencement of the tour.
Cancellation: If you cancel your tour after Final Payment has been received and more than thirty days prior to commencement of tour, you will be refunded your Final Payment minus 1) a $250 cancellation fee, plus 2) any money prepaid to hotels, restaurants, attractions, and transportation companies that is not refundable to AdelsmanTours. If AdelsmanTours is able to fill all open positions for this tour you will receive a refund equal to your Final Payment. No refunds will be made for cancellations within thirty days of tour commencement.
Note: Some of our scheduled tours require considerable walking. Tour participants must be healthy and able to walk up to two miles at a stretch.
Discount: We will deduct 2% for any payment made by check or wire transfer rather than credit card since we are charged a fee for payments made by credit card.
Passport: All persons entering Japan are required to have a valid Passport. Please note: any person bearing a Passport which is less than six months from expiration may be refused entry into Japan.
Responsibility: This tour is operated with the tour member’s understanding that AdelsmanTours acts only as an agent for the tour participants and such parties, firms, or corporations providing services herein. By issuing tour documents, AdelsmanTours does not assume liability or costs for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, or irregularity due to weather or any act or default of companies or persons engaged in providing tour services. AdelsmanTours reserves the right to change or modify the itinerary as circumstances may require to expedite the tour and assure the safety of its members. AdelsmanTours has the right to decline, accept or retain any person as a member of this tour at any time. Tour registration is your agreement to these terms.
Contact Us

*Please note: we offer Land-only tours; you are responsible for getting to and from Japan. Also, please note some tours may begin in Osaka and end in Tokyo. Please call Steve if you have questions about this. Steve (or one of his associates) will meet you as you emerge from Customs at the Airport on the Tour Commencement Date. Flights from North America always depart a day earlier, since you “lose a day” crossing the International Date Line. If you are considering arriving at or departing from Haneda Airport (HND), or have other plans for arriving in Japan, please discuss this with Steve as early as possible. Some flights into Haneda arrive at very inconvenient times (which is probably one reason they are sometimes cheaper). Please read our Terms & Conditions before committing to any tour.